Undergraduate Students Receive Research Awards for 2021-2022

Congratulations to the our undergraduate students receiving Hilldale Undergraduate/Faculty Research Fellowship awards for 2021-2022. The Hilldale Undergraduate/Faculty Research Fellowship provides research training and support to undergraduates. Students have the opportunity to undertake their own research project in collaboration with UW–Madison faculty or research/instructional academic staff.

Student Name: Sophie Johnson
Mentor: Carrie Niziolek, Ph.D.
Sophie Johnson, under the mentorship of Assistant Professor Carrie Niziolek, will investigate whether an experimental manipulation of voice feedback can lead to vocal adjustments that improve the intelligibility of spoken sentences.

Student Name: Austin Gent
Mentor: Sriram Boothalingam, Ph.D., FAAA
Austin Gent will work under the mentorship of Dr. Sriram Boothalingam on a project to determine whether feedback loops in the brain turn down the volume of our ears when we speak.

Student Name: Jenna Krakauer
Mentor: Ben Parrell, Ph.D.
Jenna Krakauer, working with the mentorship of Assistant Professor Ben Parrell, will examine the role attention plays in how we use auditory feedback about our own speech to control and adapt speech movements.