
  • Joan Kwiatkowski, M.A., CCC-SLP

    In Memoriam: Joan Kwiatkowski

    Former clinical faculty member Joan Kwiatkowski, M.A., CCC-SLP, passed away on January 9, 2025. Joan Kwiatkowski joined the UW-Madison in 1971 as a clinical faculty member in Communicative Disorders (now Communication Sciences and Disorders). During …

  • Ted Tweed, M.A., CCC-A

    In Memoriam: Ted Tweed

    Former clinical faculty member Ted Tweed, M.A., CCC-A, passed away on January 12, 2025. Ted served in the United States Army after college and was very proud to be a serviceman and veteran. Following the …

  • Rachel Lee, Au.D., CCC-A

    Dr. Rachel Lee Discusses Hearing Aid Technology

    Dr. Rachel Lee was recently interviewed by Wisconsin Public Radio (WPR). In her radio interview with Larry Meiller, she talks about hearing health and advancements in hearing aid technology. Listen to the complete interview:

  • Haley Dresang, Ph.D.

    Dr. Haley Dresang Awarded ASHFoundation Grant

    Dr. Haley Dresang and the NeuroLAND Lab have been awarded an ASHFoundation grant to advance the development and validation of a groundbreaking artificial intelligence (AI)-based measure for event semantic memory. This innovative tool aims to …

  • A W crest banner flutters in the wind on Bascom Hill at the University of Wisconsin-Madison during autumn on Oct. 18, 2019. (Photo by Jeff Miller /UW-Madison)

    Kristin Murphey and Kimberly Mueller Awarded Baldwin Wisconsin Idea Endowment Seed Grant

    Congratulations to Kristin Murphey, M.S., CCC-SLP, and Kimberly Mueller, Ph.D., CCC-SLP. Their proposal, First Responder Aphasia Strategy Training: A Collaborative Community Outreach for Enhancing SLP Interventions and First Responder Outcomes with Persons Living with Aphasia, …

  • Kimberly Mueller, Ph.D., CCC-SLP

    Dr. Kimberly Mueller Discusses Slowing Dementia Progression with Hearing Aids

    Dr. Kimberly Mueller was recently interviewed by 89.9FM WORT. In her radio interview, she talks about recent studies, when to intervene with hearing loss and dementia, and the use of hearing aids as one of …

  • Melanie Buhr-Lawler, Au.D., CCC-A

    Clinical Professor Melanie Buhr-Lawler featured by L&S Instructional Design Collaborative for Inclusive Course Design

    Clinical Professor Melanie Buhr-Lawler was recently featured for her inclusive teaching strategies in UW-Madison’s College of Letters & Science Instructional Design Collaborative’s website and newsletter! Professor Buhr-Lawler shared her insights about inclusion in her fourth-year …

  • A W crest banner flutters in the wind on Bascom Hill at the University of Wisconsin-Madison during autumn on Oct. 18, 2019. (Photo by Jeff Miller /UW-Madison)

    UW Audiology Joins UW Volleyball at the Silent Set Match!

    UW Audiology was honored to join UW Volleyball for their first-ever Silent Set Match on Wednesday night! This incredible event shone a spotlight on the d/Deaf and hard of hearing community while promoting education, resources, …

  • Ella Aldridge

    Ella Aldridge Advances to Three Minute Thesis Finals!

    Congratulations to 2nd year CSD M.S./Ph.D. student Ella Aldridge. She recently competed in the UW-Madison’s 3 Minute Thesis Semi-Finals and is moving onto the finals! Her speech titled “Get Your Tucks in a Row!” was …

  • Members of the Ciucci and Connor research labs setup a booth and meet with students at Madison East High School.

    CSD Researchers Visit Madison High School Science Expo

    Members of the Connor & Ciucci Research Group recently shared their current work with students at East High School’s Science Expo! The Science Expo, run by UW’s Antiracism Learning and Action in Neuroscience (ALAN) group, …

  • Kimberly Caul, M.S., CCC-SLP, CBIS

    Kim Caul Advocates at the WSHA Schools Conference

    Clinical professor Kim Caul, M.S., CCC-SLP, CBIS, presented at the Wisconsin Speech Language Hearing Association (WSHA) Fall Schools Conference last week, giving an advocacy update as a member of ASHA’s Committee of Ambassadors. Kim detailed …

  • CSD graduate students pose for a photo in the student lounge.

    Kicking Off the DEIAB Student Discussion Series with a Full House!

    Over 30 students joined our first DEIAB student-led discussion of the semester! The group dove into cultural responsiveness, sharing insights on how SLPs and Audiologists can better serve diverse communities. Special thanks to our facilitators …

  • A W crest banner flutters in the wind on Bascom Hill at the University of Wisconsin-Madison during autumn on Oct. 18, 2019. (Photo by Jeff Miller /UW-Madison)

    Wisconsin Idea Task Force Stays Busy All Year!

    The Wisconsin Idea Task Force (WITF) is a part of the National Student Speech Language Hearing Association (NSSLHA) UW-Madison chapter. WITF was established to carry out the three main pillars of diversity, outreach, and inclusion. …

  • Kimberly Caul, M.S., CCC-SLP, CBIS

    UWSHC Concussion Services Support University Student Population

    UWSHC’s Concussion Services, developed and facilitated by clinical professor Kim Caul and her MS-SLP graduate student team, is beginning it’s 4th semester since its launch in fall 2023. Since that time, the clinic has evaluated and …

  • Michelle Ciucci, Ph.D., CCC-SLP

    Dr. Michelle Ciucci Discusses Parkinson Disease with Wisconsin Media Outlets

    Professor Michelle Ciucci, Ph.D., CCC-SLP, was recently highlighted by multiple Wisconsin news media outlets, including Milwaukee CBS Channel 58, WDJT, Milwaukee ABC Channel 12, WISN, and Green Bay CBS Channel 5, WFRV, for her expertise …

  • Mariana Ibanez-Baldor

    Mariana Ibanez-Baldor Receives WSHA 2025 Jack Kile Scholarship

    UW-Madison Doctor of Audiology (Au.D.) student Mariana Ibanez-Baldor received the Wisconsin Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology Association (WSHA) 2025 Jack Kile Scholarship. This annual scholarship is sponsored by Jack Kile, Ph.D., CCC-A. Dr. Kile’s passion for …

  • Maryann Krasko, M.S.

    Maryann Krasko Receives WSHA 2025 Research Grant

    Maryann Krasko received the Wisconsin Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology Association (WSHA) 2025 Vicki Lord Larson and James R. Larson Research Grant. This research grant is offered in honor and memory of the late Vicki Lord …

  • A W crest banner flutters in the wind on Bascom Hill at the University of Wisconsin-Madison during autumn on Oct. 18, 2019. (Photo by Jeff Miller /UW-Madison)

    Undergraduate Students Receive Hilldale Research Awards

    Congratulations to our undergraduate students receiving 2024-2025 Hilldale Undergraduate/Faculty Research Fellowship awards. Generous grants from the Hilldale Foundation and the Wisconsin State Legislature provide for awards of $3,000 each to undergraduate students and $1,000 to …

  • Benjamin Parrell, Ph.D.

    Benjamin Parrell, Ph.D., Selected as Fullbright U.S. Scholar

    Congratulations to Benjamin Parrell, Ph.D., on being selected as a 2024-2025 Fullbright U.S. Scholar. Dr. Parrell will be conducting research in Spain on speech in Spanish speakers with ataxia, a neurodegenerative disease caused by degeneration …

  • A W crest banner flutters in the wind on Bascom Hill at the University of Wisconsin-Madison during autumn on Oct. 18, 2019. (Photo by Jeff Miller /UW-Madison)

    Audra Sterling and Nicole Rogus-Pulia Named ASHA Fellows

    Congratulations to Audra Sterling, Ph.D., and Nicole Rogus-Pulia, Ph.D., CCC-SLP, on being named American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) Fellows. Fellowship is one of the highest honors ASHA bestows. This award recognizes professional or scientific achievement and …

  • Green Labs Certified Logo

    SARL Recognized as UW-Madison Green Lab

    Congratulations to the Soundscape & Audiology Research Laboratory (SARL) as the group recently became Green Lab certified by the UW-Madison Office of Sustainability. Over the spring of 2024, the lab assessed its energy use, waste …

  • Jon Douglas, Au.D., CCC-A

    We will miss you, Jon Douglas!

    Jon Douglas, clinical associate professor in audiology, has departed our department after 16 years. Jon specialized in tinnitus and hyperacusis management and providing family-centered care for children with different abilities. Jon was the LEND coordinator …

  • Florence Filley, M.A., CCC-SLP

    In Memoriam: Florence Filley, M.A., CCC-SLP

    Former clinical faculty member Florence Filley, M.A., CCC-SLP, passed away on May 7, 2024. Florence taught at North Dakota University and Ohio State University before coming to UW-Madison in 1963. She worked as a Clinical …

  • Melanie Buhr-Lawler, Au.D., CCC-A

    Melanie Buhr-Lawler Featured on UW-Madison Badger Talks

    Clinical Professor Melanie Buhr-Lawler is featured on the UW-Madison Badger Talks page! Melanie is a featured healthcare speaker with her talk, “The Technology that Connects: Navigating Hearing Loss in Today’s Digital World”. The University of …

  • A W crest banner flutters in the wind on Bascom Hill at the University of Wisconsin-Madison during autumn on Oct. 18, 2019. (Photo by Jeff Miller /UW-Madison)

    ASHA Capitol Hill Day

    Advocacy in action! UWHSC Clinical Professors, Kim Caul and Rachel Lee had the opportunity to visit Capitol Hill in Washington D.C. to advocate for audiologists, SLPs, and the people we serve, as part of the …

  • UTEP visitors gather outside of Goodnight Hall.

    Second Cohort of Speech-Language Pathology Students from University of Texas El Paso Will Visit CSD in June for an Intensive Research Experience

    In June, a new group of five master’s students in Speech-Language Pathology from the University of Texas El Paso (UTEP) will join the UW-Madison Communication Sciences and Disorders (CSD) Department for a three-week intensive research …

  • Lawrence Shriberg, Ph.D.

    In Memoriam: Lawrence D. Shriberg, Ph.D.

    Lawrence D. Shriberg, Ph.D., passed away peacefully on April 26, 2024. Dr. Shriberg had a long and meritorious career as a Professor in the UW-Madison Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders and as a Research …

  • Maryann Krasko, M.S.

    Doctoral Student in Ciucci Lab Awarded Prestigious NIH Fellowship Award

    Maryann Krasko, MS, a doctoral student in UW’s Communication Sciences and Disorders program, envisions a world where patients with neurodegenerative disorders – who struggle with many complicated and debilitating symptoms – can at least retain …

  • Norman Canestorp and Bucky Badger at the Outstanding Adult Students Award Ceremony at the Memorial Union.

    CSD Student Selected for UW-Madison Outstanding Undergraduate Returning Adult Student Award

    Congratulations to CSD senior Norman Canestorp, recipient of the 2024 Outstanding Undergraduate Returning Adult Student Award. The Outstanding Undergraduate Returning Adult Student Award recognizes returning adult undergraduate students whose exceptional determination and perseverance have enabled …

  • A W crest banner flutters in the wind on Bascom Hill at the University of Wisconsin-Madison during autumn on Oct. 18, 2019. (Photo by Jeff Miller /UW-Madison)

    Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology Programs Rank Among Best Graduate Programs

    U.S. News and World Report has ranked University of Wisconsin-Madison Speech-Language Pathology and University of Wisconsin AuD Consortium as “Best Programs”, placing them among the elite graduate school programs in the nation for 2024. Speech-Language …

  • Jenn Soriano, M.S., CCC-SLP

    Jenn Soriano Selected for the 2024 CAPCSD Ph.D. Scholarship

    Congratulations to Jenn Soriano, M.S., CCC-SLP, for being selected for the 2024 CAPCSD Ph.D. Scholarship. The Council of Academic Programs in Communication Sciences and Disorders (CAPCSD) scholarship program is for students pursuing a research doctoral …

  • A W crest banner flutters in the wind on Bascom Hill at the University of Wisconsin-Madison during autumn on Oct. 18, 2019. (Photo by Jeff Miller /UW-Madison)

    CSD Students Receive Department Scholarship Awards

    Congratulations to all of the student recipients! Bernard J. Kwiatkowski Memorial Scholarship – Ellie McCreary, Anna Freiburger Emma Allen Fellowship Award – Caitlyn Slawny, Chenelle Walker, Emily Bagan, Emma Libersky, Jenn Soriano, Jenny Lucke, Sydney …

  • Brady, age 3, uses a speech-generating device to communicate in play with his mom and graduate student clinicians.

    Meghan Murphy Better Days Fund

    The Meghan Murphy Better Days Fund provides scholarship opportunities for pediatric clients with speech and language disorders to receive services at the UW Speech and Hearing Clinic (UWSHC). Brady started speech therapy at the UWSHC …

  • Kimberly Mueller, Ph.D., CCC-SLP

    Dr. Kimberly Mueller Discusses Hearing Loss and Dementia on WPR

    Nathaniel Chin, MD, and Kimberly Mueller, PhD, CCC-SLP, joined Wisconsin Public Radio’s (WPR) Central Time to discuss the links between hearing loss and dementia. On the show, host Rob Ferrett asked questions regarding the connections …

  • Amy Kroll, Au.D., CCC-A

    Amy Kroll Receives WSHA Audiologist of the Year Award

    Amy Kroll, Au.D., CCC-A was awarded the 2024 Audiologist of the Year Award from the Wisconsin Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology Association (WSHA). This award recognizes individuals who have been nominated by clients and/or client families …

  • Amy Hartman, Au.D., CCC-A

    Amy Hartman Receives WSHA Student Mentor Award

    Congratulations to Amy Hartman, Au.D., CCC-A! Amy was awarded the 2024 Student Mentor Award from the Wisconsin Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology Association (WSHA). This award recognizes professionals who have taken the time to mentor, modeling …

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