Congratulations to CS&D 4th year Au.D. (Doctor of Audiology) student Emily Roznowski on her recent award of the Judith Blumsack scholarship from the American Academy of Audiology Foundation! The Judith Blumsack Scholarship is awarded to …
Month: August 2022
Dr. Ruth Litovsky Selected as Incoming Editor-in-Chief of Ear and Hearing
Congratulations to Ruth Litovsky, Ph.D., for being selected as the new editor-in-chief for the American Auditory Society’s journal, Ear and Hearing. She will begin January 1, 2023.
Katie Sullivan Selected for National NSSLHA Role
Congratulations to Katie Sullivan, a sophomore in our undergraduate program and our 2022-23 NSSHLA Vice President, who has been selected by National NSSLHA to serve as the Wisconsin State Officer for the 2022/23 term. This …
Storytime Friends Offers Summertime Fun
Another summer of Storytime Friends has come and gone! Storytime Friends is a story-based communication enhancement program for children who are d/Deaf or have hearing loss. We make language, literacy, and self-advocacy FUN! This year, …