CSD students planned and attended the NSSLHA Semi-Formal on Thursday, December 9th. At the event, NSSLHA members were celebrated for their contributions to the organization during the fall 2021 semester. This included recognition of the …
2021 News
Lindsey Kreul Co-authored Article in ASHA Leader
First year AuD student Lindsey Kreul recently co-authored “Picking the Right Live-Captioning Option for Your Telepractice Client” in the December 2021 ASHA Leader. Kreul and Dr. Lynn Gilbertson of the University of Wisconsin–Whitewater discuss live-captioning …
Ruth Litovsky Receives Acoustical Society of America Silver Medal in Psychological and Physiological Acoustics
We congratulate Dr. Ruth Litovsky on receiving the Acoustical Society of America (ASA) Silver Medal in Psychological and Physiological Acoustics for her contributions to understanding binaural hearing and the perceptual consequences of providing bilateral cochlear …
University of Wisconsin-Madison Doctor of Audiology Virtual Open House
Learn about the UW-Madison AuD program at your own pace! Get the details you need, meet our faculty & students, check out our outreach, and take a video tour of our clinic. https://csd.wisc.edu/aud/open-house
Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders Raised Over $1700 for Second Harvest Foodbank
We did it! The Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders raised over $1700 for Second Harvest Foodbank of Southern Wisconsin! We are incredibly proud to be a department that believes in making a positive difference …
Melanie Buhr-Lawler Discusses Over-the-counter Hearing Aids on Wisconsin Public Radio
Hearing aids will soon be available to adults without a prescription. Audiologist Melanie Buhr-Lawler recently discussed the details of over-the-counter hearing aids on Wisconsin Public Radio’s The Morning Show. Curious about what this means for …
Audiology Outreach Returns to Porchlight
Audiology outreach recently returned to Porchlight! We are proud to be able to volunteer our services for the Michele Tracy Eye and Ear MEDiC clinic. MEDiC aims to improve the health of the underserved in …
CCANDL Recognized as UW-Madison Green Lab
Congratulations to Cognitive-Communication in Aging and Neurogenic Disorders Laboratory (CCANDL) as the group recently became Green Lab certified by the UW-Madison Office of Sustainability. Over the summer of 2021, the lab assessed its energy use, …
Au.D. Capstone Project Published in a Peer-reviewed Journal
One of our recent Au.D. graduates, Dr. Sam Panning Conn, was recently published in the Journal of the American Academy of Audiology for work that she started as her Au.D. capstone project. Congratulations to Sam …
Hands-on Learning Reinforces Classroom Concepts
Our third year AuD students participated in a hands-on temporal bone learning lab last week. They dissected temporal bones under a microscope, simulated cochlear implant electrode insertions, and drilled and placed baha devices. Thank you …