Alyson Eith and Abygail Marx Complete the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Leadership Development Program

Congratulations to UWSHC clinical professor Alyson Eith and academic instructor Abygail Marx recently completed the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Leadership Development Program (LDP).

The LDP is a year-long program for ASHA members who are interested in growing their leadership skills. Participants apply and are chosen by a committee to be part of the LDP cohort. Components of the program include a one-day training at the ASHA headquarters, participation in monthly leadership webinars, ongoing engagement with a learning team, and completion of an individual leadership project. The LDP experience has allowed Eith and Marx to learn and implement unique leadership tools in their professional environments.

Learn more about the LDP

Alyson Eith and Abygail Marx pose next to the ASHA building sign.