Thursday, 6/4/2020 to Saturday, 6/6/2020
Register online for this 3 day intensive workshop focuses on teaching the technique of PROMPT. The training is hands-on tactile-kinesthetic input and emphasizes the need to integrate this into a holistic therapy approach. Please note that due to the hands-on training workshop attendees cannot have long fingernails when taking the workshop. Should you have any limitations in using your hands to apply PROMPTs to a training partner, or receiving PROMPTs on your face from a training partner, please contact for potential accommodations.
All workshops run from 9:00 AM to 4:30 PM, unless otherwise noted in the workshop listing.
At the conclusion of the Introduction to PROMPT: Technique workshop, participants will be able to:
- Describe the philosophy of PROMPT and its application principles.
- Apply different levels of PROMPTing (Parameter, Syllable, Complex, Surface) as appropriate to the selected cases.
- Analyze speech motor subsystems using the Systems Analysis Observation and Motor Speech Hierarchy.
- Design interactive therapy activities that utilize all of the above.
The price of this Workshop is $750. Registrations made after April 4, 2020 will incur a $100 late registration fee. Most workshops sell out several months before the workshop start date.