CSD Students Make Local Impact

2018 NSSLHA Group
2018 NSSLHA Group

National Student Speech Language Hearing Association (NSSLHA) UW-Madison Chapter works to enrich the lives of students in communication sciences and disorders as well as the local community through education, advocacy, and service. NSSLHA is comprised of 163 undergraduate and graduate students in the Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders.

The Student Academy of Audiology (SAA) UW Chapter works to serve as a collective voice for students within the chapter and to advance the rights, interests, and welfare of students pursuing careers in audiology.

SAA Students at the American Academy of Audiology Conference 2018
SAA Students at the American Academy of Audiology Conference 2018

SAA engage members in lifelong professional activities that promote and advance the profession of audiology. SAA includes 33 graduate and undergraduate students with an interest in Audiology in the Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders. All local members are also national members of the Student Academy of Audiology.

Here are a few highlights of what these groups did in the 2017-2018 academic year!

Outreach and Service Events

Hearing Screenings at Porchlight
Hearing Screenings at Porchlight
  • Canned food drive for the River Food Pantry
  • Race to the Finn – Volunteered and ran at a local 5K in memory of a young child who lost his battle to brain cancer. All proceeds benefitted the Isthmus Montessori Academy.
  • Book Drive Partnered with Reach Out and Read – Donated children’s books to promote literacy in Dane County.
  • Personal Statement Workshop – Partnered event with the UW-NSSLHA graduate chapter. Hosted a workshop, which paired grads and undergrads to work on and revise personal statements for graduate school applications.
  • Waisman Walk – Walked and volunteered at the Waisman Center’s 5K for all abilities
  • Screening of Speechless Partnered with UW-Whitewater NSSLHA
  • Madison School and Community Recreation Drive – Donated $225.00, games, books, and clothing for MSCR’s Summer Enrichment Program
  • Humanitarian Challenge Champion” Award – SAA won the humanitarian chapter challenge for national SAA.
  • Donated items to Goodman Center
  • NSSLHA Outreach Booth
    NSSLHA Outreach Booth

    WI State Table at AAA – set up a Wisconsin table at the State Fair held at AAA to educate others on the current agenda for Wisconsin audiology including the WISHES Program, educational audiology certification, and information for potential off-site supervisors

  • Donated an item to AAA Foundation – An auction was held at AAA to raise money for the AAA Foundation which provides funds for education, scholarships, and research. SAA made a donation including some Spotted Cow beer, two pint “Cheers to Ears” glasses, and a clock sign.
  • Undergraduate night – Undergraduates interested in audiology came to ask current students questions about the application process and graduate school as well as hands on experience with hearing screenings
  • Waunakee Health Fair
  • UW Science Expeditions
  • Porchlight Hearing Screenings
NSSLHA Bake Sale
NSSLHA Bake Sale

Fundraising Events

  • Fall Bake Sale – Sold baked goods on State Street to raise funds for the UW Speech and Hearing Clinic
  • Nitty Gritty Cup Night
  • Lotsa Pizza Fundraiser
  • Chili Cook Off – Our first annual chili cook off occurred this fall. We had many “chili contestants”. Family, friends, and students gathered to judge and vote on the best chilis
  • Penny wars – The first, second, and third year classes battled against each other in penny wars. $80 was raised.


  • Virtual advocacy day – A group of SAA members came together for a virtual advocacy day to learn about current legislation impacting the field of audiology and send emails to representatives to voice opinions about legislation.
SAA Members Having Fun at Cosmic Bowling
SAA Members Having Fun at Cosmic Bowling

Social Events

  • ALPS workshop
  • Candy apple decorating
  • Bonfire at picnic point
  • Holiday card and blanket making
  • Apple Picking
  • Movie Night
  • Holiday Party
  • Cosmic Bowling
  • Ice Cream Social
  • Social at the Terrace

Future events include plans to volunteer at the Fashion Show for All Abilities and Walk MS. We will also be fundraising at Chipotle on State Street, having another bake sale, advocacy day at the capital, 2nd annual Chili Cook-Off, and having another Nitty Gritty Cup Night. Both organizations will soon be deciding which organizations they will be donating to this year. In the past organizations have included the UW Speech and Hearing Clinics, the UW HARPS program, and the American Parkinson’s Disease Society.