Congratulations to Helen Vradelis, graduate student in the MS-SLP program, for representing American Sign Language in the UW-Madison Chancellor’s 2018 Holiday Card! Chancellor Blank’s Website
2018 News
Synchronizing Cochlear Signals Stimulates Brain to ‘Hear’ in Stereo
Using both ears to hear increases speech recognition and improves sound localization. In essence, it helps you to identify a friend’s voice so you can follow her amusing anecdote over the din of a cocktail …
All Ways Forward campaign announces $10 million gift from John and Anne Oros
John and Anne Oros are making a $10 million commitment to the university’s All Ways Forward campaign. The gift will benefit the Wisconsin School of Business, the Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders, the School …
Department Faculty and Students Help Launch Wings for All® Program at Dane County Regional Airport
Last month, our speech-language graduate students, undergraduates, and two clinical professors volunteered at the Dane County Regional Airport at the Wings for All event! Wings for All gives individuals with developmental disabilities a “dress rehearsal” …
Sriram Boothalingam Receives American Speech-Language-Hearing Foundation New Century Scholars Research Grant
Congratulations to Sriram Boothalingam, Ph.D., FAAA, on receiving a 2018 American Speech-Language-Hearing Foundation New Century Scholars Research Grant for his project “One Stone, Three Birds: A Concurrent Clinical Test of Cochlear, Middle Ear Muscle Reflex, …
Viji Easwar Receives American Speech-Language-Hearing Foundation New Investigator Research Grant
Congratulations to Viji Easwar, Ph.D., FAAA, on receiving a 2018 American Speech-Language-Hearing Foundation New Investigator Research Grant for her project “Short- and Long-term Influence of Context on Vowel-evoked Envelope Following Responses”. Envelope following responses (EFRs) …
Why and How Does the Brain Control Our Ears?
Congratulations to Sriram Boothalingam, Ph.D., FAAA, on being featured in the ASHA Leader magazine. Why and How Does the Brain Control Our Ears discusses his research focus of the need to understand the implications of …
New Fund Established to Assist Children and Families in Need of Clinic Services
The UW Speech and Hearing Clinic is very happy to announce a newly established fund, the Meghan Murphy Betters Days Fund, to assist children and families who are in need of services from the clinic. …
UW-Madison Audiology Department Promotes Ear Protection at Tractor Pull
To promote safe hearing practices, the audiology department at the University of Wisconsin-Madison traveled to the Budweiser Dairyland Super National Truck & Tractor Pull to hand out ear protection and raise awareness of sustained exposure …
Michelle Ciucci Receives 2018 ASHA Fellowship Award
Congratulations to Michelle Ciucci, Ph.D., CCC-SLP, on receiving a 2018 ASHA Fellowship award. Fellowship is one of the highest honors the ASHA bestows. To be awarded Fellow, the nominee must have made outstanding contributions to the discipline …