PhD Students win National Scholarships

Allison Schaser and Laura Grant have been awarded New Century Scholars Doctoral Scholarship from the American Speech-Language-Hearing Foundation. These doctoral scholarships support strong doctoral candidates who will commit to attaining the research doctoral degree and …

Message from the chair

We proudly present you with our second e-newsletter. Last year’s newsletter reached well over athousand former students and generated an amazing amount of clicks, which reflects our solid and involved alumni base. Thanks for continued …

From the Dean’s Desk

As the new dean of UW-Madison’s College of Letters & Science, I am delighted to introduce myself and As an economist, I have devoted my scholarly career to studying the ways in which human beings …

Solving speech and swallowing disorders

The more Michelle Ciucci learned about speech and hearing science as an undergraduate student at theUniversity of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, the more she wanted to know. From acoustics, to human development, to language, to anatomy, …