The Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders is a leader in innovative and diverse research related to language, hearing, speech, and swallowing. The work of our faculty covers the spectrum of basic science, translational research, clinical research, and intervention studies. Undergraduates have a unique opportunity to get involved and assist in the innovation and discovery happening at UW-Madison.
Learn more about our research faculty and their labs.
Research Opportunities
Undergraduate research assistants play an important role in the Department’s research mission. If you are interested in joining a lab as an undergraduate research assistant, please visit our research overview page to find labs suited to your research interests. When you have found a lab that interests you, contact the lab’s principal investigator (PI) or lab manager to find out if they are taking on new research assistants and, if so, how their application process works. Note that undergraduate research assistants can volunteer with a lab, earn course credit, or be employed with a lab as a student hourly.
Research Funding
Undergraduate research assistants may sometimes pursue their own research, under the supervision of their PI or a graduate student. In such situations, students may be eligible to apply for undergraduate research funding, such as the Hilldale Scholarship. To explore such opportunities, visit and speak to your PI.
Summer Research Opportunities
The University of Wisconsin–Madison offers a number of summer research opportunities to undergraduate students. These are unique opportunities for undergraduates to work closely with faculty mentors and graduate students in their major discipline. Students accepted into research programs are matched with faculty whose expertise and interests match the student’s research interest. Many are geared to those under-represented in research (i.e., minority students; students who are first-generation college and low-income may also be eligible), but some are less restricted.
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UW-Madison Programs
Honors Summer Sophomore Apprenticeships
This program allows talented students to learn what research is and how it is conducted within a discipline by participating in actual, cutting-edge research. Students who receive a Summer Sophomore Research Apprenticeship Grant from the Honors Program receive a stipend for what would otherwise be an unpaid research experience. Students will have a significant opportunity to develop research skills and explore the research process while laying the groundwork for future junior and senior research projects.
Integrated Biological Sciences Summer Research Program for Undergraduates (IBS-SRP)
This 9-week program, primarily for students from other college and universities to experience UW-Madison research, but also open to UW students who are first-generation college and low-income or members of minority groups. Participants receive a stipend.
UW-Madison offers a variety of opportunities in the community. These include service learning courses, community-based research, volunteering, and alternative break experiences.
Summer Research Opportunity Programs (SROP)
The University of Wisconsin–Madison offers a number of Summer Research Opportunities to undergraduate students. These are unique opportunities for undergraduates to work closely with faculty mentors and graduate students in their major discipline. Students accepted into research programs are matched with faculty whose expertise and interests match the student’s research interest. Students gain valuable skills for success in post-graduate studies and careers in their chosen field.
Travel Abroad Opportunities
UW-Madison offers opportunities for summer research in other countries, with SCORE (Summer Oxford & Cambridge Research Program) in England and Khorana in India.
Programs Across the Country
Diversity Summer Health-Related Research Education Program (DSHREP)
Location: Medical College of Wisconsin; Milwaukee, WI
DSHREP is a competitive program designed to provide research opportunities for undergraduate students from backgrounds that are historically underrepresented in biomedical science, including individuals from disadvantaged backgrounds, underrepresented cultural and ethnic groups, and individuals with disabilities.
Summer Research Initiative (SRI)
Location: University of Maryland; College Park, MD
The Summer Research Initiative (SRI) is part of the College’s longstanding commitment to increasing the number of underrepresented minorities who pursue graduate degrees in the social, behavioral and economic sciences. The program provides rising juniors and seniors with an 8-week intensive experience to develop research skills, learn about doctoral training, and increase graduate training readiness. Hearing and Speech Sciences is involved in the SRI Program.
Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF)
Location: Yale; New Haven, CT
Each summer the Yale SURF Program brings about 15 qualified undergraduates to Yale for eight weeks to explore what a Ph.D. could offer them.
Databases & Lists
Cognitive Development Society Job Bank
A job bank maintained by the Cognitive Development Society. Labs post ads for summer research assistants and other positions. Most labs are in psychology departments, but CS&D labs post occasionally. Summer RA positions are generally posted in early spring.
NIH Research and Training Opportunities
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) has a variety of research and training programs available for different degree levels of students.
NIH Summer Internship Program (SIP)
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) is home to about 1200 interns each summer. Summer interns include students in high school, college undergraduates, graduate/PhD students, and professional school students.
NSF Research Experiences for Undergraduates
The National Science Foundation (NSF) Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) program supports active research participation by undergraduate students in any of the areas of research funded by the NSF. CS&D students will find REU Sites by searching the directory by keyword (language, hearing, communication, etc.) at
This site was established to be the primary source for searching Federally-sponsored opportunities for undergraduate students and undergraduate programs in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) areas. These opportunities range from scholarships and research internships that undergraduate students can apply to directly to funding opportunities for academic institutions to establish innovative undergraduate training programs.
Advising Presentations
Undergraduate Advising Presentation - Honors in the Major @ 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm Learn more on our Canvas page
Undergraduate STEM Jobs
STEM is an approach to learning and development that integrates the areas of science, technology, engineering and mathematics. UW-Madison offers a broad range of STEM-related employment opportunities for undergraduates of all backgrounds and academic interests.
Extra Credit Research Participation
Many undergraduate CS&D courses offer students extra credit in exchange for research participation. Opportunities change throughout the year, so check back often for new experiences.
We value inclusion in all areas, but studies sometimes limit participation to specific groups of participants (e.g., bilingual adults, adults with normal hearing, etc.). If you are interested in research participation for extra credit but do not qualify for any active studies, please contact your instructor for alternatives.
Learn more about current extra credit research participation opportunities.
Undergraduate Research Group Contacts
Hearing Research
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Carlos Benítez-Barrera, Ph.D. | Pediatric Auditory Experience and Brain Laboratory
Research Focus: Relationship between auditory environments and language development.
Lab Website:
Lab Contact: Carlos Benítez-Barrera, Ph.D. (
Preferred Qualifications: Interest in research and learning
How to Apply: Email Carlos Benítez-Barrera, Ph.D. (
Ruth Litovsky, Ph.D. | Binaural Hearing & Speech Laboratory
Research Focus: Hearing in noise, Cochlear Implants, Sound localization, Auditory development
Lab Website:
Lab Contact: Shelly Godar (
Preferred Qualifications: No minimum GPA required, above 3.0 preferred; some coursework in Communication Sciences & Disorders or experience with individuals who have hearing loss preferred
How to Apply: Send resume, unofficial student record, and a brief statement of interest to the lab contact.
Language Research
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Rebecca Alper, Ph.D., CCC-SLP | Language, Literacy, and Learning Laboratory
Research Focus: Early Intervention; Language Delay and Disorders; Caregiver Coaching; Health Disparities; Cultural Variation; English-Spanish Bilingualism; Early Language and Literacy Development
Lab Website:
Lab Contact: Rebecca Alper, Ph.D., CCC-SLP (
Preferred Qualifications: Spanish proficiency
How to Apply: Email Rebecca Alper, Ph.D., CCC-SLP (
Susan Ellis Weismer, Ph.D., CCC-SLP | Language Processes Laboratory
Research Focus: language processing, late talkers, specific language impairment (SLI), autism spectrum disorders (ASD)
Lab Website:
Lab Contact: Susan Ellis Weismer, Ph.D., CCC-SLP (
How to Apply: Email Susan Ellis Weismer, Ph.D., CCC-SLP (
Susan Ellis Weismer, Ph.D., CCC-SLP | Little Listeners Laboratory
Research Focus: autism spectrum disorder (ASD), learning language
Lab Website:
Lab Contact: Email Susan Ellis Weismer, Ph.D., CCC-SLP (
How to Apply: Email with your resume and availability for the current or upcoming semester.
Haley Dresang, Ph.D. | Neuroscience of Language & Neurological Disorders (NeuroLAND) Laboratory
Research Focus: aphasia, brain injury, stroke, neurodegeneration, language, cognition, gesture, semantics, memory, neuroscience, neuroimaging, neuromodulation, genetics
Lab Website:
Lab Contact: Haley Dresang, Ph.D. (
Preferred Qualifications: strong interest in research; detail-oriented; commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion; familiarity with Microsoft Office, Excel; experience with SPSS, R, coding is a plus but not required; neuroscience, CSD, or linguistics coursework is a plus but not required
How to Apply: Email Haley Dresang, Ph.D. (
Rita Kaushanskaya, Ph.D. | Language Acquisition & Bilingualism Laboratory
Research Focus: bilingualism, language development, language disorders
Lab Website:
Lab Contact: Rita Kaushanskaya, Ph.D. (
Preferred Qualifications: interest in language acquisition and bilingualism
How to Apply: Email Rita Kaushanskaya, Ph.D. (
Kimberly Mueller, Ph.D., CCC-SLP | Cognitive-Communication in Aging and Neurogenic Disorders Laboratory (CCANDL)
Research Focus: speech, language, cognition, Alzheimer’s disease; Mild Cognitive Impairment; aging; dementia
Lab Website:
Lab Contact: Leah Sanson-Miles (
Preferred Qualifications: strong interest in research; detail-oriented; commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion; familiarity with Microsoft Office, excel, Teams; experience with SPSS or R a plus; CSD coursework a plus but not required
How to Apply: Email Leah Sanson-Miles (
Audra Sterling, Ph.D. | Research in Developmental Disabilities and Language Laboratory
Research Focus: language development, cognitive skills, neurodevelopmental disabilities, fragile X syndrome, autism spectrum disorders, Down syndrome
Lab Website:
Lab Contact: Audra Sterling, Ph.D. (
How to Apply: Email Audra Sterling, Ph.D. (
Speech Research
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Katie Hustad, Ph.D., CCC-SLP | Wisconsin Intelligibility, Speech, and Communication Laboratory
Research Focus: speech production, speech intelligibility, language, cognition, and functional communication abilities among children with cerebral palsy (CP)
Lab Website:
Lab Contact: Katie Hustad, Ph.D., CCC-SLP (
How to Apply: Interested candidates should send a resume and letter of interest to
Ben Parrell, Ph.D. | Speech Motor Action + Control Laboratory
Research Focus: speech motor control, motor control and learning, neuroscience
Lab Website:
Lab Contact: Ben Parrell, Ph.D. (
Preferred Qualifications: Some coursework in speech production and/or neuroscience is helpful but not required. Preference will be given to students with an interest in pursuing basic scientific research.
How to Apply: Apply Online; You must be logged on to your UW-Madison Google account to access the form.
Carrie Niziolek, Ph.D. | Brain, Language, & Acoustic Behavior (BLAB) Laboratory
Research Focus: neural basis of speech production, brain imaging
Lab Website:
Lab Contact: Carrie Niziolek, Ph.D. (
Preferred Qualifications: Interest in our lab’s research projects (see, interest in computer programming (no prior experience required)
How to Apply: Apply Online
Swallowing and Voice Research
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Michelle Ciucci, Ph.D., CCC-SLP | Ciucci Laboratory
Research Focus: Improvement of treatments for communication and swallowing disorders in progressive neurologic disease.
Lab Website:
Lab Contact: Michelle Ciucci, Ph.D., CCC-SLP (
How to Apply: Email Michelle Ciucci, Ph.D., CCC-SLP (
Nadine Connor, Ph.D., CCC-SLP | Connor Laboratory
Research Focus: Understanding how physiological and structural properties of muscles and the central and peripheral nervous systems change with aging, surgery, diseases and disorders, and how these changes may influence properties of voice production, speech, and swallowing.
Lab Website:
Lab Contact: Nadine Connor, Ph.D., CCC-SLP (
How to Apply: Email Nadine Connor, Ph.D., CCC-SLP (
Nicole Rogus-Pulia, Ph.D., CCC-SLP | Swallowing and Salivary Bioscience Laboratory
Research Focus: dysphagia, or swallowing dysfunction, in patients with Alzheimer’s disease (AD)
Lab Website:
Lab Contact: Nicole Rogus-Pulia, Ph.D., CCC-SLP (
How to Apply: Email Nicole Rogus-Pulia, Ph.D., CCC-SLP (
Susan Thibeault, Ph.D., CCC-SLP | Thibeault Research Group
Research Focus: vocal fold mucosa biology encompassing regenerative medicine, immunology and development
Lab Contact: Susan Thibeault, Ph.D., CCC-SLP (
How to Apply: Email Susan Thibeault, Ph.D., CCC-SLP (
If you have questions about our program not answered on this or related pages, please contact us: