Your department has a new name — we are now the Department of Communication Sciences andDisorders — but we are still the department you remember, the one that provided the outstanding training that prepared you for graduate school, an exciting clinical position, or a university position as a professor and scholar. This newsletter is our way to stay in touch with alumni and friends, to let everyone know about departmental initiatives and accomplishments, and especially to connect you with each other.
In the current newsletter you’ll learn a bit about former faculty and alumni, current clinical initiatives, and our department’s influence on the professional world. If you are an alumna or alumnus of our department and would like to be featured in a future newsletter, let us know what you’ve been doing since leaving UW-Madison. We’d like to know, and we’re certain your former classmates would like to know as well.
We have several fund-raising initiatives that will play a major role in the future of our department. For example, we are still located in beautiful Goodnight Hall by the lake, but sometime in the next several years we will move into a different facility. A new facility is needed to accommodate the clinical, teaching, and research growth of the department, and especially to bring us all together under the same roof. For many years our space has been spread across campus, and looking forward we believe consolidation and modernization of our physical and human resources is critical to maintaining our leadership position in the field. Some support for this move will come from departmental gift funds, and every contribution to our general departmental fund helps in guaranteeing our transfer to a new building or renovated space tailored to our needs. We also have several student scholarship funds and a memorial fund to which you can contribute. For more information on these giving opportunities, visit our website and click on “Donate” in the left column.
Please send us updated contact information, and share this newsletter with your friends and colleagues. We remain dedicated to improving our profession with the best training, clinical service, outreach in local, national, and international communities, and research practice in the field. Your department’s proud reputation as one of the top-ranked programs in the country is your accomplishment, as well as ours.
Gary Weismer
Oros-Bascom Professor and Chair