AuD Students, Clinical Faculty Embrace Wisconsin Idea with Community Outreach

UW-Madison AuD students and clinical faculty have taken part in a number of recent community outreach activities.

Krista Lett, 4th year AuD student won the student poster presentation at the Wisconsin Speech Language Pathology and Audiology state convention held February 24-25, 2012 in Milwaukee, WI. Krista’s advisor was Dr. Kim Schairer. A photo of Krista Lett with her poster is provided below.

AuD Poster


Jon C. Douglas and four UW-Madison AuD students, Susan Von Dollen, Tori Ashton, Chelsea Conrad, and Krista Sershen volunteered at the Waunakee-Westport Lions Club Community Health, Activity & Energy Fair on Saturday, March 10, 2012.

They performed hearing screenings on children and adults and provided information about noise induced hearing loss with portable music players (e.g. iPod). They also measured the output of the participants headphones.

Douglas is a Clinical Associate Professor in the UW-Madison Department of Communicative Disorders.


Amy Hartman, Melanie Buhr-Lawler, and 1st-year AuD student Chelsea Conrad gave a presentation on Musicians and Hearing Loss for the UW-Madison School of Music Wellness Day on Friday, March 16, 2012.

Hartman and Buhr-Lawler are Clinical Associate Professors in the UW-Madison Department of Communicative Disorders.


Students enrolled in the UW-Madison AuD program marched in the Madison, WI 2012 St. Patrick’s Day Parade. They gave away free ear plugs and candy to the crowds.

People with Posters

Pictured in the photo are Jamie Burt, Emily Janz, Jennifer Groneveld, Amy Jacobson, Tricia Cayemberg, Lindsey Kunsch, and Jenna Woestman. Jamie, Amy, and Tricia are students on the UW-Stevens Point campus who access academic course work on the UW-Madison campus via distance education.