NSSLHA’s Christmas for Kids a Huge Success

Christmas for Kids was a huge success for UW-Madison’s National Student Speech Language Hearing Association (NSSLHA) organization. With limited time to organize a holiday donation for a family of four, students and faculty teamed up to make a single mother and her three daughters very happy this Christmas season.


Each year, NSSLHA receives a family to “adopt,” or buy Christmas gifts for a family in need, selected by the Salvation Army. Over 300 local, low-income families are adopted each year and given toys, clothing, and groceries for the holiday season. The Salvation Army provides the names, ages, and wish lists of each member of the family. This year, through generous donations, NSSLHA raised over $350 dollars to buy a family essentials, such as towels, blankets, comforters, clothes, and a grocery gift card.

people delivering gifts

Additionally, the children received some of their wish list items, such as dolls, games, and toys. In addition to the monetary donations, members of NSSLHA and the local community generously donated school supplies, gift cards, clothes, and toys to the family. All gifts were delivered to the Alliant Energy Center on Monday, December 12. Thank you to everyone who helped to make this holiday event a success!