Comprehensive Hearing Assessments
The UWSHC audiologists and graduate student clinicians provide comprehensive diagnostic hearing evaluations for individuals of all ages and all abilities. Tests consist of behavioral methods of assessment as well as objective measures.
At the end of the appointment, clinicians discuss the test results with the patient and review our recommendations for follow-up. Following the appointment, patients receive a copy of the hearing test, known as the audiogram, along with a personalized report by mail.
Electrophysiologic Testing
Electrophyisiologic tests, including the Auditory Brainstem Response (ABR) test, may be recommended for several specific reasons. As an objective test, the ABR can be used to determine hearing sensitivity for individuals who are difficult to test through more traditional (behavioral) methods. The test can also be used to assess how well sound travels up the auditory pathway, from the ear to the brain. The UWSHC offers non-sedated ABR testing for children and adults. The clinic also frequently use otoacoustic emission (OAE) testing in conjunction with traditional hearing evaluations, hearing screenings, and ABR testing. OAE testing provides information about the health of the cochlea.
Hearing Screenings
The UWHSC provides hearing screenings for all children enrolled in Dane County’s Head Start program. The clinic also provides adult hearing screenings at community outreach events.
Occupational Health Hearing Monitoring
The UWSHC provides occupational hearing testing according to the federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) standards (see OSHA). These include baseline and annual follow-up hearing tests for workers who are exposed to high noise levels. The UWSHC tests all UW – Madison employees enrolled in the university’s hearing conservation program (, and the clinic also provides OSHA hearing tests for private companies.