Hearing Aid Recycling Program (HARP)

Program Details


Financial Criteria

The HARP is designed to be the program of last resort for people who have no other financial resources available. If an applicant has another source of funding for hearing aids, s/he is not eligible for the HARP. Other options for assistance include private insurance, state Medicaid programs, BadgerCare, Department of Workforce Development, Veterans Administration, family or friend assistance, or other state or local programs. The HARP may not be the appropriate program for applicants who have family support or funds in money market accounts, mutual funds, 401(k) plans, IRAs, certificates of deposit (CDs), checking/saving accounts, stocks, bonds, or T-bills. The HARP considers all these factors when determining eligibility. See the HARP application for specific financial eligibility guidelines.


The HARP is funded by local donations. For this reason, HARP recipients are limited to individuals living in Dane County. This also ensures that UWSHC audiology is able to provide complete support services to the individuals the program serves.

Audiologic Criteria

People with significant hearing loss in both ears are given highest priority because of the significant impact this can have on communication. Our audiologists must also determine that the applicant will achieve reasonable benefit from the hearing aid(s).


  1. Individuals who feel they qualify for the HARP after reviewing the eligibility requirements should complete the application online. Individuals who have trouble with the online application can print and mail the PDF HARP Form (Spanish version of the form). Please call the clinic at 608-262-3951 if you need a paper application mailed to you. Please note that there is a waiting list of approximately three to six months for new HARP recipients due to the large number of eligible applicants.
  2. Applicants who pass the financial and geographic screening are seen at the UW Speech and Hearing Clinic for a comprehensive hearing evaluation.
  3. Individuals who qualify for hearing aids based on the results of the hearing evaluation will receive a hearing aid evaluation at the UWSHC.
  4. Later, at a separate appointment, HARP recipients will be fit with behind-the-ear hearing aid(s) and earmolds by UWSHC audiologist and graduate student clinicians. The hearing aids, earmolds, and services are fully funded by donations.

The HARP has limited resources, but attempts to accommodate all qualified applicants provided continued funding remains available.

Please direct any specific UWSHC Hearing Aid Recycling Program questions to Dr. Melanie Buhr-Lawler, HARP director at (608) 890-1504 or melanie.buhr@wisc.edu.

Hearing Aid Donations

Our hearing aid drop-off locations provide the program with an important source of used hearing aids and needed funding. Please drop off or mail any old hearing aids at one of the following locations below:

Audiology Clinics

  • UW Speech and Hearing Clinic, 1975 Willow Drive, Madison, WI
  • UW Hospital and Clinics, Audiology Section, 600 Highland Avenue, Madison, WI
  • UW Hearing Services, 1 South Park Street, 6th Floor, Madison, WI
  • Dean Clinic Audiology Dept., 1313 Fish Hatchery Road, Madison, WI
  • William S. Middleton Memorial Veteran’s Hospital, Audiology, 2500 Overlook Terrace, Madison, WI

Funeral Homes

  • Cress Madison, 3610 Speedway Road; 3325 E. Washington Avenue; 6021 University Avenue, Madison, WI
  • Cress Stoughton, 206 West Prospect Street, Stoughton, WI
  • Cress Sun Prairie, 1310 Emerald Terrace, Sun Prairie, WI
  • Gunderson, 5203 Monona Drive, Monona, WI


  • The Colonial Club, 301 Blankenheim Lane, Sun Prairie, WI 53590

Individuals who feel they qualify for the HARP after reviewing the eligibility requirements should complete the application online. Individuals who have trouble with the online application can print and mail the PDF HARP Form (Spanish version of the form). Please call the clinic at 608-262-3951 if you need a paper application mailed to you. Please note that there is a waiting list of approximately three to six months for new HARP recipients due to the large number of eligible applicants.

Apply Online (English & Spanish)